Motherhood Identity Shift - What You Can Do if You Feel Like You've Lost Yourself in Motherhood

mindset Mar 19, 2024

Want to know what most of my clients have in common? 


I bet you probably won’t be surprised by the answer… 


Many of the AMAZING women I work with are moms struggling to balance their careers, motherhood, the household (and all the other things they might be juggling).


Do you want to know what else they struggle with?


Feeling like they have lost their identity along the way… 


The first thing I want to tell you is that if you are feeling the exact same way...YOU ARE NOT ALONE. 


But you don’t have to continue to feel that way - I know, I know people say things like that all the time. 


Except I’m not just saying this -  I’m going to give you some actionable steps you can start to take as soon as today to show you that finding your identity again and balancing being a mom and your job is absolutely possible. 


This blog covers - 


  • What Steps You Can Take To Recover Your Identity 
  • Recovering Your Identity As a Mother and Mindset Coaching 
  • How To Build A Routine That Works For You As A Mom 
  • How To Balance Work and Motherhood 


So let’s dive right in… 



What Steps You Can Take To Recover Your Identity 


Feeling like you’ve lost your identity to work or motherhood or both can be a confusing and emotional experience. 


One moment you’re working your corporate office job, having meetings, and navigating work/life balance, and then the next you’re rushing home, trying to make sure your child has everything they need, rushing to practices and games, and trying to balance the demands of work and being a mom.


It’s a big transition to make and you often don’t feel like you have any time for yourself or that you have time to take a break. On top of that, you look in the mirror and don’t recognize the woman staring back at you. Who are you besides “mom?”


But instead of continuing down this same path here are some steps you can take to reclaim your identity that I promise are easy and actionable… 


  1. Practice Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on your values, interests, and passions. Consider what activities or hobbies bring you joy and fulfillment outside of your role as a mother and employee.


  1. Set Boundaries: Establish boundaries between work and personal life to create space for activities that nurture your identity. Designate specific times for work, family, and self-care to maintain balance. This is something my clients are I work on which is learning which boundaries to set and how to enforce them. 


  1. Prioritize Self-Care: Make self-care a priority by scheduling time for activities that rejuvenate you mentally, physically, and emotionally. This could include exercise, meditation, hobbies, or spending time with friends. Want some more self-care ideas? Go here for more FREE self-care ideas you can try! 


  1. Seek Support: Connect with other working moms who understand the challenges you face. Joining support groups or networks can provide encouragement, advice, and solidarity. 


  1. Delegate Responsibilities: Don't hesitate to delegate tasks both at work and at home. Whether it's asking for help from your partner, outsourcing household chores, or requesting support from colleagues, sharing responsibilities can alleviate stress and free up time for self-discovery.


  1. Set Personal Goals: Identify personal goals and aspirations outside of your professional and parental roles. Whether it's pursuing further education, starting a side project, or traveling, having goals to work towards can reignite your sense of purpose and identity.


  1. Practice Mindfulness: Stay present in the moment and cultivate gratitude for the various roles you play in life. Mindfulness practices can help you appreciate the small joys of motherhood and work while also fostering self-awareness.


  1. Celebrate Yourself!: Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, both big and small. Recognizing your strengths and achievements can boost confidence and reaffirm your sense of identity.


Remember that finding balance as a working mom is an ongoing process, and it's okay to prioritize yourself alongside your responsibilities. I give you permission to put yourself first. 


And if you’re wondering what can happen when you commit to this process let’s talk about what this will look like for you… 



Recovering Your Identity As A Mom and How Mindset Coaching Can Help 


My Client Jennifer found herself again in just 3 months by going all in on 1:1 coaching and deciding that she wanted to show up differently for her family.


Before Jennifer and I started working together she was struggling to feel like herself again after having her first baby and returning to a corporate job.


Here’s what she had to say about the results we got by working together 1:1 - 


Life is SO different now.  I am so happy and I am able to enjoy life.  Like really, really enjoy it and make the most of it.  I don't commit to things that I don't want to do out of feeling guilty.  I am able to stand up for myself.  I am more confident as a professional in my career.  I am proud of myself as a mom, stepmom and wife.”


Jennifer told me that this was the first time she ever felt so confident and is showing up for herself and living her best life since becoming a mother!


And you can get the same results as Jennifer, finding yourself is so much easier with support. If you’re interested in learning more about what that looks like go here to learn more. 


A lot of women don’t realize the connection between recovering your identity as a mother and mindset coaching and how much mindset coaching can help you on your journey. 


Mindset coaching and recovering your identity go hand in hand because in mindset coaching we work on the following:


  1. Challenging Limiting Beliefs: Mindset coaching helps you identify and challenge limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. In the context of motherhood, this could involve questioning societal expectations or personal beliefs about what it means to be a "good" mother, allowing for greater freedom in self-expression and personal fulfillment.


  1. Cultivating Self-Compassion: Mindset coaching encourages the practice of self-compassion, which is essential in the process of recovering one's identity as a mother. This involves being kind to oneself, acknowledging the challenges of motherhood, and embracing imperfection without judgment.


  1. Shifting Perspectives: Mindset coaching helps you shift your perspectives to focus on strengths and opportunities rather than limitations and obstacles. Similarly, in the journey of recovering one's identity as a mother, it's essential to recognize and celebrate personal strengths, passions, and aspirations beyond the role of caregiver.


  1. Setting Boundaries and Priorities: Mindset coaching can assist mothers in setting boundaries and priorities that honor their individual needs and desires. This may involve carving out time for self-care, pursuing personal interests, or delegating tasks to create a more balanced and fulfilling life.


  1. Goal Setting and Action Planning: Mindset coaching provides tools and strategies for setting goals and creating action plans to achieve them. In the context of recovering one's identity as a mother, this could involve setting intentions for personal growth, career advancement, or creative pursuits outside of parenting.


  1. Building Resilience: Mindset coaching fosters resilience by helping you develop coping strategies and a positive mindset in the face of challenges. This resilience is invaluable in navigating the ups and downs of motherhood and pursuing personal goals amidst the demands of caregiving.


Overall, mindset coaching can be a powerful tool for moms who are seeking to find their own  identity, confidence, and fulfillment beyond the role of parent. 


When you join my 1:1 mindset coaching you will receive…


-Access to my signature course EMERGENCE

-A Weekly 1:1 call

-Daily texting for support and accountability

-Access to all of my live breathwork sessions


You’ll have support with finding your identity again and feeling more confident in yourself and your ability to be a mom and employee. 


Curious to learn more about my 1:1 coaching? You can learn more here! 


On that note, another important topic I want to talk about that’s also a question my clients ask me all the time is “How can I build a routine that works for me - and fits into my schedule?” 


And this is what I tell them and what you can start to use as well because routines are important! We don’t want to neglect them… 



How To Build A Routine That Works For You As A Mom 


You put everyone else’s needs before you so it’s important to have a routine for your own self care. With all of my clients I work on helping you create a self-care routine that works for you and your schedule - we make it easy to commit to and also something that you look foward to doing every week! 


Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create a routine that fits your unique needs:

  • Assess Your Top Priorities: Start by identifying your top priorities as a mom. This could include your children's needs, your own self-care, household tasks, work commitments, and any other responsibilities you may have. 


  • Understand Your Family's Needs: Consider the needs and schedules of each family member, including your partner and children. Understanding their routines and preferences will help you create a cohesive family schedule that works for everyone.


  • Define Your Ideal Day: Visualize your ideal day as a mom. What activities would you like to prioritize? When would you prefer to wake up and go to bed? How do you want to structure your time between work, childcare, household tasks, and self-care?


  • Establish Routines: Based on your priorities and ideal day, create daily and weekly routines that align with your family's needs and preferences. This could include morning and bedtime routines, mealtime schedules, designated work hours, and set times for activities like exercise, playtime with your children, and relaxation. 


  • Communicate with Your Family: Involve your family members in the process of building your routine. Discuss schedules, expectations, and responsibilities openly and collaboratively to ensure that everyone's needs are considered and respected


  • Prioritize Self-Care: Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine as a mom. Schedule time for activities that nourish your body, mind, and soul, whether it's exercise, meditation, hobbies, or simply taking breaks to rest and recharge.


  • Give Yourself Grace: Finally, remember that building a routine as a mom is a process, not a destination. Give yourself grace and permission to make mistakes, learn from them, and adjust your approach as you navigate the joys and challenges of motherhood.


Remember, one of the most important things to do is be patient with yourself when getting back into a routine that works well for you. 


I also highly encourage you to try to always find time for a regular self-care routine each week - even if it’s just 15 minutes a day - you’ll notice the difference!  


And there’s one more thing I want to chat with you about before you go… 



How To Balance Work and Motherhood 


Balancing work and motherhood can be challenging, but with thoughtful planning and strategies, it's possible to achieve a fulfilling equilibrium. Here are some tips to help you find some form of balance:


  1. Set Realistic Expectations: Recognize that you can't do everything perfectly all the time. Set realistic expectations for yourself both at work and at home, and be willing to adjust them as needed.


  1. Establish Priorities: Identify your top priorities both in your career and in your role as a mother. This will help you focus your time and energy on what matters most and let go of less important tasks or commitments.


  1. Create a Support System: Surround yourself with a strong support system of family, friends, and trusted caregivers who can help with childcare and household tasks when needed. Don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it.


  1. Stay Organized: Use tools like calendars, to-do lists, and time management techniques to stay organized and efficient both at work and at home. Prioritize tasks, delegate when possible, and avoid overcommitting yourself.


  1. Be Flexible and Adapt: Recognize that balance is not static and may look different from day to day or week to week. Be flexible and willing to adapt your schedule and routines as needed to accommodate changing priorities or unexpected events.


  1. Quality Over Quantity: Focus on quality time with your children rather than quantity. Even short, focused interactions can be meaningful and nurturing for both you and your child.


I hope you found this blog helpful and that you are able to start implementing these tips into your daily life. 




If you know that you want to finding a mindset coach who is going to help you shift from - 


  • Feeling lost and confused in your life and career 
  • Struggling with mental health 
  • Dealing with low confidence
  • Feeling burnt-out 
  • At conflict with what you want to do but not following through 
  • Wondering how to feel like yourself again



  • Having a clear, aligned direction in your life 
  • Feeling less anxious, depressed, sad to feeling happy, carefree, and showing up as your best self 
  • Understanding what you really want and what truly matters to you  
  • Releasing the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back exactly how I support my clients. 


My 1:1 mindset coaching is for the woman who…

  • You can’t explain why, but you just feel stuck — and you’re ready to start feeling free.
  • You’re tired of putting others before yourself (even though you love them, of course).
  • You suspect issues from your past are keeping you from living in the present.
  • You have trouble setting boundaries (but you know they’re important).
  • You’re curious about mindset, manifestation, and personal growth, but you don’t know where to begin.
  • You feel like you’ve lost sight of who you really are and what your identity is
  • You’re ready to break through limiting beliefs, show up as your highest self, and start dreaming big again!


Here’s what working together can do for you:


  • Have a safe space where you can open up, go deep, and ask all the questions.  
  • Create a customized plan to reach your life, work, and family goals.
  • Become a better mom, partner, colleague, or friend by setting boundaries that benefit all of you.
  • Learn practical coping skills you can use the rest of your life.
  • Heal your nervous system: no more fight or flight -  you'll learn skills for better emotional regulation, less stress, and learning to slow down
  • Do the deep work to change the thoughts, beliefs, behavior, and habits that were given to you during childhood
  • Gain clarity, (re)discover confidence, and literally change your life… for good!



When you work with me we will ensure that life feels really freaking good again! 


Want more info about my 1:1 mindset coaching? Go here for all the details!  


Not ready for 1:1 coaching but still want to stay connected and get more advice about somatic healing, mindset, breathwork, and more? Then you’ll want to join my email list! 


The Sacred Minute (my weekly newsletter) is one of my favorite things to send out every week!


It’s about taking a minute for yourself and your own personal growth - I truly wanted these to be quick actionable steps you can take throughout your week. You’ll learn different breathing techniques, ways to shift your mindset, be updated about my monthly breathwork sessions, and much more! You can sign up for The Sacred Minute right here below! Can't wait to have you on the list! 

The Sacred Minute 

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