30 Sunday Self-Care Ideas for You to Try

self care wellness Dec 15, 2023

What is Self-Care Sunday and why should you embrace Self-Care Sunday? 


Wait, what do you mean that you’re not currently practicing self-care Sundays?! It’s seriously my favorite day of the week! Self-care Sundays are so vital for breaking away from your usual routine, stressors, etc. and giving you back your mental clarity and focus so you can prioritize yourself and feel energized for the upcoming week. Self-care Sunday is all about prioritizing your holistic well-being and mental rejuvanation! 



Here are just a few of my favorite reasons why you should embrace Self-Care Sunday:


  1. Stress Reduction: I think we can all agree we’re a little stressed. Taking time for self-care can help reduce your stress levels. When you engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation it can have a positive impact on your mental health.


  1. Improved Mental Health: Self-care activities can contribute to improved mental well-being. This may include practices such as meditation, mindfulness, or spending time in nature, which help clear your mind and promote a sense of calm.


  1. Enhanced Productivity: Taking a break and recharging can lead to increased productivity. When you prioritize self-care, you are better equipped to face the challenges of the upcoming week with a refreshed mindset.


  1. Physical Health Benefits: Self-care isn't just about mental health; it also includes taking care of your physical well-being…the WHOLE body approach. This may involve activities like exercise, getting enough sleep, or preparing and enjoying nourishing meals.


  1. Prevention of Burnout: Regular self-care practices can help prevent burnout. By consistently taking time for yourself, you are less likely to become overwhelmed by the demands of work and life and will be able to find balance in your life.


Self-care Sundays can become a positive and nourishing habit (and probably become of of your favorite days of the week) to start implementing into your weekly routine. Read on to get a ton of self-care Sunday ideas for you to try! 

30 Self-Care Ideas to Try - Simple, Easy, At-Home Ideas 


Try any of these self-love practices for your self-care Sunday! 


  1. Take a Warm Bath: Soak in a relaxing bath with your favorite bath salts or essential oils.
  2. Practice Deep Breathing: Engage in deep breathing exercises to help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Learn more about somatic breathwork exercises that you can try here.
  3. Mindfulness Meditation: Spend a few minutes each day meditating to clear your mind and improve mindfulness.
  4. Read a Book: Escape into a good book and let your mind wander into different worlds.
  5. Journaling: Write down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences to help process emotions. One of my favorite ways to help process emotions is to do an inner child meditation and then journal about what came up for me. Inner child healing is something that I take every single one of my clients through and can be extremely eye opening to our thoughts, beliefs, and patterns. When you understand your current map of the world (why you function/do things the way you do)  it is easier to create change in your life. Learn more about inner child journal prompts here that will help you on your healing journey. 
  6. Listen to Music: Create a playlist of your favorite calming or uplifting songs.
  7. Practice Yoga: Follow a yoga routine at home to improve flexibility and reduce stress.
  8. Cook a Healthy Meal: Prepare a nutritious and delicious meal for yourself.
  9. Unplug from Technology: Take a break from screens and enjoy some tech-free time.
  10. Watch a Feel-Good Movie: Treat yourself to a movie that makes you laugh or inspires you.
  11. Create Art: Engage in painting, drawing, or any other creative activity that brings you joy.
  12. Stretching Exercises: Incorporate simple stretching exercises to improve flexibility and release tension.
  13. Get Quality Sleep: Ensure you have a comfortable sleep environment and maintain a regular sleep schedule.
  14. Disconnect from Work: Set boundaries and take breaks from work-related tasks. That email can wait until tomorrow.
  15. Practice Gratitude: Reflect on the positive aspects of your life and express gratitude. Want some positive affirmations to help you with this? Go here. 
  16. Take a Nature Walk: Spend time outdoors, whether in your backyard or a nearby park.
  17. DIY Spa Day: Pamper yourself with a homemade spa day, including face masks and skincare.
  18. Dance It Out: Put on your favorite music and dance like nobody's watching.
  19. Play a Game: Engage in a fun and light-hearted game to boost your mood.
  20. Practice Mindful Eating: Pay attention to your food, savor each bite, and eat without distractions.
  21. Affirmations: Repeat positive affirmations to promote self-love and confidence. Here are some examples of positive affirmations for you to try. 
  22. Digital Detox: Take a break from social media and limit screen time.
  23. Cuddle with your fur baby: Spending time with pets can be incredibly soothing and comforting.
  24. Pamper Your Skin: Use a face mask, exfoliate, and give your skin some extra care.
  25. Laugh: Watch a comedy show or spend time with people who make you laugh.
  26. Go outside and put your bare feet on the ground: aka grounding. Connecting with the earth is so good for our souls.
  27. Activate your senses: this is one of my favorites! I love to step outside with no distractions and take in everything. What do I see? What do I hear? What do I smell? How do I feel?
  28. Coloring! I love coloring as an adult. I bought a couple adult coloring books and fun markers and when I’m just sitting in the living room I’ll sit at the coffee table and color.
  29. Learn a new skill. What’s something you’ve been wanting to learn for a while now? There’s nothing better than learning something new that’s just for you.
  30. Breathwork, breathwork, breathwork. This is a great way to destress and let your body be present in the moment. 


Something important to note is that self care doesn’t need to include spending money or some extravagant activity (it definitely can be) but there are plenty of free activities at home or out in nature that you can enjoy…and honestly those are usually the things that fill up my cup the most. 


Self-Care Positive Affirmations for You to Try


Want to create a positive mindset and one of gratitude? Then I highly encourage you to practice self-care affirmations. I use self-care affirmations to find gratitude in the little things, and to help reinforce my values and confidence in myself. The more you tell yourself a belief the more your subconscious will begin to believe it. Here are a few of my favorites:


  1. I am worthy of self-care and love.
  2. I prioritize my well-being without guilt.
  3. I choose peace and serenity in my life.
  4. My needs are important, and I attend to them with love.
  5. I release stress and embrace calmness.
  6. I am deserving of rest and relaxation.
  7. I honor my body and treat it with kindness.
  8. I am mindful of the present moment and find joy in it.
  9. My self-care is a priority because I am important.
  10. I let go of what I cannot control and focus on what brings me joy.
  11. I am resilient, and I can handle life's challenges with grace.
  12. I nourish my mind, body, and spirit with positive thoughts and actions.
  13. I am grateful for the abundance of love and positivity in my life.
  14. I trust myself to make the right decisions for my well-being.
  15. I embrace self-compassion and forgive myself for any perceived shortcomings.


Feel free to choose the affirmations that resonate most with you! Grab a piece of paper and write down your top 3. Once you’ve written them down, put them somewhere where you’ll see them all the time.

I recommend your nightstand, on your bathroom mirror, or you could even create a new background for your phone!


Self-Care Journal Prompts for Self-Care Sunday 


Here are some journal prompts to inspire your self-care journaling session:


  1. Gratitude Journaling:

   - What are three things you are grateful for today?

   - How did you show yourself kindness and love this week?

   - Reflect on a recent positive experience and explore the emotions it brought.


  1. Mindfulness and Reflection:

   - Describe a moment today when you felt completely present and mindful.

   - What thoughts or feelings are you carrying from last week into today?

   - List three things in your life that bring you a sense of calm.


  1. Self-Discovery and Exploration:

   - What activities make you lose track of time and bring you joy?

   - If you could dedicate more time to a hobby, what would it be and why?

   - Describe one thing you learned about yourself this week.


  1. Setting Intentions:

   - What is one self-care goal you would like to achieve this upcoming week?

   - Reflect on your current self-care routines. What adjustments would you like to make?

   - Write down three affirmations for the week ahead.


  1. Future Self-Reflection:

   - Envision your ideal self-care routine. What does it look like?

   - Where do you see yourself in terms of self-care a month from now?

   - Write a letter to your future self, outlining your self-care goals.

Self-Care Checklist 


When my clients come to me they tell me they are burnout, feeling stuck, and don’t know who they are outside of their job/kids/family, etc. This is why creating self care in your life is one of the main foundations of the work we do together. 

Below you will find a few ideas of where you can start when it comes to your own self care journey. When working with my amazing 1:1 clients we always start small and stack your habits (this is not going to happen overnight and that’s okay!)

I recommend that you pick one area and one new thing to start. When this becomes more consistent for you then move onto the next thing you would like to start changing. Forget to do it one day or don’t follow through? That’s okay! Release the judgment and start again tomorrow or at the next opportunity you have.

Example Self-Care Checklist You Can Use - 

  1. Morning Routine:

   - Wake up at a consistent time.

   - Hydrate with a glass of water.

   - Practice deep breathing or meditate for a few minutes.


  1. Skincare Routine:

   - Cleanse, tone, and moisturize your skin.

   - Apply sunscreen before going out.


  1. Healthy Nutrition:

   - Eat a balanced breakfast, including protein and fiber.

   - Include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your meals.

   - Stay hydrated throughout the day.


  1. Physical Activity:

   - Engage in at least 30 minutes of movement most days.

   - Incorporate a mix of cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility training.


  1. Regular Health Check-ups:

   - Schedule annual health check-ups, including gynecological exams.

   - Keep up with screenings like mammograms and Pap smears.


  1. Mental Health Practices:

   - Practice stress management techniques, such as deep breathing or journaling.

   - Consider therapy or counseling if needed.


  1. Quality Sleep:

   - Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

   - Establish a calming bedtime routine.


  1. Me Time:

   - Dedicate time to your hobbies and passions.

   - Enjoy a relaxing bath or pamper yourself with skincare.


  1. Social Connections:

   - Nurture relationships with friends and family.

   - Schedule regular social activities.


  1. Financial Well-being:

    - Review your budget regularly.

    - Set financial goals for savings and investments.


  1. Career Growth:

    - Set professional goals and milestones.

    - Invest time in skill development and networking.


  1. Mindfulness and Relaxation:

    - Practice mindfulness or meditation to stay present.

    - Schedule regular breaks during the day.


  1. Gratitude Practice:

    - Keep a gratitude journal.

    - Reflect on positive aspects of your life regularly.


  1. Setting Boundaries:

    - Learn to say no when necessary.

    - Set healthy boundaries in personal and professional relationships.


Self-Care Gifts for You or For Others! 


Here are a few of my favorite self care products right now. These would be the perfect gift to yourself or another woman in your life who is really craving some self care.


Primally Pure Dry Brush: not only is this great for your lymphatic system but it feels sooo good


Osea Body Oil: This body oil is so good and what feels better than taking a nice hot shower or bath and then loving on your skin 


Acupressure Mat: Just thank me later - I love setting this out in my living room while I watch a little Bravo at night. It’s great for pain reduction, stress relief, increased energy, and so much more!


Daily Affirmation Cards: If you struggle to come up with affirmations or are desiring a fun way to pull a new affirmation card every day then these are perfect!


Adult Coloring Book: Remember above how I mentioned that I loved to color - this is such a beautiful color book to have. If you loved coloring/art as a kid then this is a great way to love on your inner child.


How to Create A Relaxing Self-Care Routine For Sundays


Creating a relaxing self-care routine for Sundays involves a combination of activities that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being.


Here's a step-by-step guide to help you establish your own self- care routine:


  1. Set Intentions:

   - Begin your Sunday by setting positive intentions for the day. Think about the kind of energy you want to bring into the upcoming week.


  1. Morning Mindfulness:

   - Start your day with a few minutes of mindfulness or meditation. Focus on your breath, and allow yourself to be present in the moment. Don’t pick up your phone!


  1. Enjoy a Nourishing Breakfast:

   - Prepare a nutritious and delicious breakfast to fuel your body. Include whole grains, fruits, and protein for sustained energy.


  1. Move Your Body:

   - Engage in light exercise or stretching. This could be a short yoga session, a nature walk, or any activity that brings joy and movement.


  1. Pamper Your Skin:

   - Take a relaxing shower or bath. Use your favorite skincare products and take your time to pamper yourself.


  1. Mindful Reading:

   - Spend some time reading a book or magazine that brings you joy. Whether it's fiction, non-fiction, or a self-help book, choose something that relaxes your mind.


  1. Unplug from Technology:

   - Dedicate a few hours to disconnect from your devices. Turn off social media notifications and allow yourself a break from the constant digital stimuli.


  1. Cultivate a Calming Environment:

   - Create a soothing atmosphere in your home. Light candles, use essential oils, or play calming music to enhance relaxation.


  1. Practice Gratitude:

   - Journal about the things you are grateful for. Reflect on positive experiences from the week and express gratitude for them.


  1. Mindful Eating:

    - Enjoy a mindful and leisurely lunch. Pay attention to the flavors and textures of your food, savoring each bite.


  1. Creative Expression:

    - Engage in a creative activity that you enjoy, whether it's painting, writing, or crafting. Expressing yourself creatively can be therapeutic.


  1. Nature Connection:

    - Spend time in nature if possible. Whether it's a stroll in the park or sitting in your backyard, connect with the outdoors.


  1. Social Connection:

    - If you enjoy socializing, spend time with loved ones. This could be a family brunch, a virtual call, or a relaxing chat with friends.


  1. Afternoon Rest:

    - Allow yourself a short nap or a period of rest. A power nap can recharge your energy for the rest of the day.


  1. Mindful Reflection:

    - Reflect on the past week and set positive intentions for the upcoming one. Consider what you learned and how you can approach challenges with a positive mindset.


  1. Evening Relaxation Rituals:

    - Wind down your day with calming rituals. This could include gentle stretching, listening to soothing music, or practicing relaxation techniques.


  1. Quality Sleep Preparation:

    - Establish a calming bedtime routine. Avoid stimulating activities and screen time before bed to ensure a restful night's sleep.


  1. Prepare for the Week Ahead:

    - Take a few moments to organize and plan for the upcoming week. This can help alleviate any potential stress.


  1. Digital Detox Before Bed:

    - Limit your exposure to screens at least an hour before bedtime. This promotes better sleep quality.


  1. Go to Bed Early:

    - Aim for a sufficient amount of sleep to wake up refreshed the next day.




Don't neglect the importance of self-care Sunday! Let me know in the comments which self-care practices you start implementing. If you are looking to create lasting change in your life and ready for 1:1 support you can find out more about my personalized life coaching here.

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