10 Inner Child Healing Journal Prompts and Shadow Work Journal Prompts

inner child journal prompts self care Feb 07, 2024

When it comes to Inner Child Healing I often get asked the same question - 


Are inner child healing journal prompts enough to heal my inner child and help me heal my inner child wounds? 


My answer is always the same - inner child journal prompts and shadow work are great places for beginners to get started on healing their inner child.




there’s a lot more work that has to be done to reparent your inner child and to go from a wounded inner child to a healed inner child. 


You also have to learn how to nurture the relationship you have with your inner child - because your healing journey will never be linear. 


In this blog, I’m covering everything you need to know about getting started on healing your inner child and giving you some easy-to-implement action steps to begin your inner child healing journey. 


Read it all, or skip to the section that interests you the most! 


I’ll be covering… 

  • What is your inner child? 
  • Why is healing your inner child important? 
  • What are some inner child healing activities you can try? 
  • Signs that you have inner child wounds
  • What is the connection between inner child healing and mindset coaching? 
  • How is inner child healing and shadow work related? 
  • How can you heal your inner child through journal prompts? 
  • Inner child healing journal prompts + shadow work journal prompts 


Let’s get you ‘in the know’ – so you can start your inner child healing journey.



What is Your Inner Child? 


Our inner child is who we once were at our core. Little you. The idea is that our early experiences and emotions can continue to influence our thoughts, behaviors, and reactions in adulthood.


Understanding and reconnecting with your inner child is often seen as a therapeutic or personal growth process. When you reconnect with your inner child this often involves exploring and acknowledging past experiences, addressing unresolved issues, and finding self-compassion.


Your inner child is deep within your subconscious. It is the little you. Many times your inner child will have unmet needs.


The formation of your inner child is influenced by various factors, including your upbringing, cultural background, parental values, and life events. 


I always tell my clients, that whether you had the best childhood, the worst childhood, or somewhere in between there will be needs that were unmet or where you needed comfort/love and didn’t get it. Understanding what influences and develops your inner child is also an important aspect of shadow work since shadow work focuses on processing and working through past experiences.  


Now you may be wondering… 


Why is healing your inner child important? 


Many times your inner child within you holds onto shame, guilt, or unworthiness.As you heal your inner child you get to show up differently in your adult life and meet the needs that weren't met as a child.Healing your inner child can also have a profound impact on your emotional well-being and personal development. 


Here are some additional reasons why healing your inner child is so important: 


  1. Better Self-Understanding: Exploring and understanding your inner child can provide insights into patterns of behavior, reactions, and coping mechanisms that originated in childhood. This self-awareness is crucial for your personal growth and breaking unhealthy patterns.
  2. Improved Relationships: Unresolved issues from childhood can impact your relationships with others. Healing your inner child can lead to healthier and more fulfilling connections by reducing the influence of past wounds on your current interactions.
  3. To Develop More Self-Compassion: Developing compassion for your inner child involves acknowledging and nurturing the vulnerable and authentic parts of yourself. This self-compassion can lead to a more positive self-image and greater overall self-acceptance.
  4. Learn How to Cope with Stress: Understanding and addressing the root causes of emotional pain from the past can enhance your ability to cope with stress and challenges in the present. It provides a foundation for healthier coping mechanisms.
  5. Breaking Generational Patterns: Unresolved issues from childhood can be passed down through generations. Healing your inner child can contribute to breaking negative patterns and promoting healthier family dynamics.

So now that you understand who your inner child is and why it’s important let’s talk about how you can start healing your inner child. 



4 Inner Child Healing Activities 


  • Journal Prompts - Write a letter to your inner child, expressing love, understanding, and encouragement. Reflect on past experiences, emotions, and any memories that arise and use the journal as a safe space for self-expression. You can also use the journal prompts I’ve included in this blog to guide you or try this journal prompt "If you could tell your inner child anything what would you tell them?" 


  • Meditation - Find a picture of you as a child. Practice guided visualization or meditation to connect with your inner child - as you imagine this see little you in that picture. Imagine yourself interacting with your younger self, offering comfort, support, and reassurance. The great news is that I already have an inner child meditation for you. This meditation specifically works with your inner child by connecting you with your inner child, finding compassion for little you, and releasing the things that you have been holding onto for so long. This meditation puts an emphasis on letting current you and little you connect. Check out the guided inner child meditation here. I know you're going to love it! 


  • Art and Creativity: Engage in creative activities like drawing, painting, or sculpting to express your emotions and memories. Allow yourself to explore your inner world through art without judgment.


  • Reparenting Techniques: Reparenting involves treating yourself with the care and kindness you may not have received as a child. This looks like developing daily affirmations, positive self-talk, and self-care routines to nurture your inner child. If you want some daily affirmations to try go here or searching for a self-care routine? I have one you can use to guide you here. 


 You can also get started with this video I made that walks you through a super easy inner child healing activity. Go here to watch it. 



Signs That You Have Lingering Inner Child Wounds 


Recognizing inner child wounds can be a crucial step in the process of healing and personal growth. 


Here are some signs that indicate the presence of inner child wounds:


  • Repetitive Patterns: You notice recurring patterns in your relationships, behaviors, or reactions that seem to be automatic and difficult to change. These patterns may be rooted in past experiences.
  • Difficulty Setting Boundaries: You struggle with setting and maintaining healthy boundaries in relationships. This can result from an early lack of boundaries or a fear of rejection if you assert your needs.
  • Low Self-Esteem: Feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, or a persistent lack of self-worth may indicate unresolved issues from childhood that are impacting your self-esteem.
  • Perfectionism: A strong need for perfection and an intense fear of failure could stem from childhood experiences where your worth was tied to achievements or external validation.
  • Fear of Abandonment: An intense fear of being abandoned or rejected in relationships may indicate attachment wounds or unresolved issues from early caregiving experiences. 


All of these are things that I work on with my clients on their own personal journeys to healing their inner child. 


With that being said did you that there is POWERFUL connection between working with a mindset coach and healing your inner child? 



What is the Connection Between Inner Child Healing and Mindset Coaching? 


Inner child healing and mindset coaching are both related to personal development and psychological well-being, and there is a connection between the two!


Let's talk about it! 


1. Understanding Belief Systems: Mindset coaching often involves examining and challenging limiting beliefs and thought patterns that hold individuals back from reaching their full potential. Inner child healing similarly delves into the root causes of these beliefs, often tracing them back to childhood experiences and traumas.

2. Healing Past Wounds: Inner child healing focuses on addressing and healing emotional wounds and traumas from childhood. These wounds can impact one's mindset and self-perception well into adulthood. Mindset coaching can provide tools and strategies to reframe these past experiences and develop a more positive and empowered mindset.

3. Reprogramming Subconscious Patterns: Both inner child healing and mindset coaching involve reprogramming subconscious patterns. Inner child work aims to heal and integrate wounded aspects of the inner child, which can lead to a more balanced and empowered mindset. Mindset coaching often involves techniques such as affirmations, visualization, and cognitive restructuring to shift ingrained thought patterns and behaviors.


Overall, while inner child healing and mindset coaching may focus on different aspects of personal development, they are interconnected in their goal of promoting self-awareness, healing past wounds, and fostering a positive mindset for personal growth and transformation! 


Many mindset coaches will focus strictly on beliefs and changing the way you think to be more positive and growth-focused.


Where my coaching differs is that we will focus on strategy, mindset, AND the somatic deeper healing work such as inner child healing. 


Inner child healing is one of the first steps I take my clients through because from the age of 0-7 is when most of your beliefs, thoughts, habits, and patterns are formed. 


Typically we are carrying this programming into our adult life (I don’t know about you but I don’t want 7-year-old me running my adult life). Want to learn more about what working with me would look like? Go here! 


Know that you're not ready for mindset coaching but still want to get started with you inner child healing? This inner child meditation is for you! Go here to check it out! 



How are Inner Child Healing and Shadow Work Related? 


This is a question with a lottt of different answers because inner child healing and shadow work are super interconnected in so many ways but let’s take a look at some of the relations between the two - 


  1. Exploration of Unconscious Aspects:

   - Inner Child Healing: Focuses on addressing and healing emotional wounds and patterns that originated in childhood. It involves reconnecting with and nurturing the inner child, the vulnerable and authentic part of oneself.


   - Shadow Work: Involves exploring the unconscious or less conscious aspects of the psyche, including repressed emotions, desires, and unresolved conflicts. The "shadow" represents parts of the self that are not fully acknowledged.


  1.  Identification of Patterns:

   - Inner Child Healing: Involves recognizing and addressing patterns of behavior, reactions, and coping mechanisms that originated in childhood. The goal is to understand and modify these patterns for personal growth.


   - Shadow Work: Explores recurring patterns and behaviors that may be rooted in the unconscious. By bringing these patterns to light, individuals can consciously choose how to respond to them.


  1. Healing Emotional Wounds:

   - Inner Child Healing: Primarily focuses on healing emotional wounds and traumas from childhood by providing the love and support needed during that time.


   - Shadow Work: Addresses deep-seated emotional issues and traumas that may be stored in the shadow. By facing and processing these emotions, individuals can release their hold on current behaviors and reactions.


While inner child healing and shadow work are distinct approaches, they are often used together. 


When we combine these two it allows you to understand, heal, and have greater emotional well-being and self-awareness. Both approaches emphasize the importance of self-compassion, acceptance, and a willingness to explore the depths of one's inner world.


So with all of that being said you’re probably wondering how exactly you can start to heal your inner child through journal prompts.


Don’t worry I have the answers for you!  



How Can You Heal Your Inner Child Through Journal Prompts? 


Inner child journal prompts can be powerful tools for healing because they guide you through a process of self-reflection and exploration, allowing you to connect with and address unresolved emotions from your past. 


They also help you - 


  1. Facilitate Self-Discovery:

   - Journal prompts encourage you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and memories related to your childhood. This self-discovery can unveil hidden aspects of your inner child that may need attention and healing.


  1. Bring Awareness to Patterns:

   - By writing about your experiences, you may start to notice patterns in your behavior, reactions, and emotions that have roots in your childhood. Identifying these patterns is a crucial step toward understanding and healing them.


  1. Express Emotions:

   - Writing provides a safe and private space to express and process emotions. Inner child journal prompts prompt you to articulate feelings associated with past experiences, helping you release pent-up emotions.


  1. Create a Dialogue with Your Inner Child:

   - Journaling allows you to create a dialogue with your inner child. As you respond to prompts, you can offer support, comfort, and understanding to the vulnerable aspects of yourself that may still carry wounds from the past.


  1. Promote Compassionate Self-Talk:

   - Journaling provides an opportunity to replace negative self-talk with compassionate and nurturing language. By consciously addressing your inner child with kindness, you contribute to building a healthier self-relationship.


  1. Uncover Limiting Beliefs: 

   - Inner child prompts can help reveal any limiting beliefs or negative self-perceptions that developed during your childhood. Identifying these beliefs is crucial for challenging and changing them.


So what are some powerful inner child healing journal prompts you can try? 



Inner Child Healing Journal Prompts And Shadow Work Journal Prompts


Inner Child Healing Journal Prompts 


  • Reconnecting with Childhood: Reflect on a positive childhood memory that brings you joy. Describe the details of the memory and how it makes you feel.
  • Exploring Unmet Needs: Consider aspects of your childhood where you may have had unmet emotional or physical needs. How might addressing these needs now contribute to your healing?
  • Parental Influence:How do you think your parents' values and behaviors during your childhood have influenced your beliefs and actions as an adult?
  • Comfort Objects or Activities:Identify objects, activities, or places that provided comfort during your childhood. How can you incorporate these elements into your adult life for emotional support?
  • Expressing Gratitude: Write a letter of gratitude to your younger self for enduring challenges and growing. Acknowledge their strength and resilience.
  • Acknowledging Pain:Explore a difficult or painful childhood memory. What emotions arise, and how can you offer comfort and understanding to your inner child in response to this memory?
  • Self-Compassion:Write a compassionate letter to your inner child, acknowledging any pain they may still carry. Offer reassurance, love, and encouragement.
  • Identifying Limiting Beliefs:Reflect on any limiting beliefs about yourself that may have originated in your childhood. How can you challenge and reframe these beliefs?
  • Setting Boundaries: Explore your current ability to set and maintain healthy boundaries. How might this be connected to your experiences with boundaries during childhood?
  • Connecting with Emotions: Identify an emotion you often struggle with. Trace its origins back to your childhood and consider how it was expressed or suppressed during that time.


Shadow Work Journal Prompts for you to try -


  • What emotion did I experience yesterday that I might not have fully acknowledged or expressed?
  • Are there recurring patterns in my thoughts or behaviors that I tend to ignore or dismiss?
  • What aspects of myself do I find difficult to accept or share with others?
  • What fears or insecurities arise when I think about pursuing my goals or dreams?
  • What were the most challenging moments of my day and how did I react to them emotionally? What does this reveal about my triggers and unresolved issues?
  • Reflect on any interaction that left a strong impression on me. What emotions were evoked and why?
  • What choices or actions today align with my authentic self and which ones felt like I was conforming to external expectations? 




All of these journal prompts will help you get started on your inner child healing journey.


But if you’re ready to take inner child one step further and go deeper check out my inner child meditation.


An inner child meditation is an important next step so that you can see and experience your inner child and communicate with them what you’re needing. This inner child meditation will allow you to start your nurturing your inner child and practicing self-love today! 


This meditation will also allow you to process emotions and sit with any uncomfortable feelings that may come up. You will leave the mediation having more compassion for yourself, feeling empowered and in control of your life, and with better emotional regulation. This is the first step to connecting deeper with yourself and doing the inner work!


Check out the meditation here. 


I’m so excited for you to get started on your own healing journey!


Also before you go... 


Don't miss your chance to join my email list! 


The Sacred Minute (my weekly newsletter) is one of my favorite things to send out every week!


It’s about taking a minute for yourself and your own personal growth - I truly wanted these to be quick actionable steps you can take throughout your week. You’ll learn different breathing techniques, ways to shift your mindset, be updated about my monthly breathwork sessions, and much more! You can sign up for The Sacred Minute here! Just scroll to the bottom of the page and you'll see the sign up form. Can't wait to have you on the list! 




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