Powerful Signs Your Highest Self is Speaking to You

wellness Jan 04, 2024


It’s the start of 2024 which means I’m going to tell you that now is the perfect time to learn how to connect to your higher self. 

If you’re anything like me then you are already going into 2024 with the mindset that you want to make this your best year yet and one of the ways that we can do that is by living in alignment with our highest selves.  

Your higher self is talking to you all the time but you just have to know how to listen and understand the messages your higher self is trying to convey to you - and of course how to live in alignment with this version of YOU! 

This blog covers all of your questions such as answering - 

  • What is your highest self?
  • How to start building out the version of your highest self
  • How can you know and understand the signs that your higher self is talking to you? 
  • What is the connection between your higher self and manifestation? 
  • What are some higher self-journal prompts or higher self-meditation you can try? 
  • And how can you build a vision board for 2024? Your higher self is asking for you to do this! 


The New Year is the perfect time to connect to your highest self and set goals that align with the version of yourself that you want to be! Let's do this! 



First, let's answer the question - what is your Highest Self? 


The concept of the "highest self" is often rooted in spiritual and philosophical traditions. It generally refers to an idealized or transcendent version of oneself, embodying the highest qualities, virtues, and wisdom..or simply put your BEST self. Different belief systems may have varying interpretations of the highest self.

In psychological and self-help contexts, the idea of the highest self can be linked to self-actualization or personal growth. It might involve reaching one's full potential, achieving a state of inner harmony, and expressing the best qualities of one's character. When you’re being your highest self you’re living in true alignment.

Ultimately, the notion of the highest self is subjective and can be understood in different ways depending on cultural, spiritual, or personal perspectives. Some people might view it in a spiritual or metaphysical sense, while others may see it as a psychological or self-improvement concept.


Here's my more dialed-in definition of highest self - 


For me, I see my highest self as the future version of myself that I want to be.

When I’m making important decisions I always want to look toward my highest self for guidance because I want to live in alignment with the most authentic, best version of myself. 

I often ask myself, "Am I honoring my highest self by making this decision?" - more than once this question has helped guide my path and also helped me with procrastination too. 


So how can you start building out the version of your highest self?


Becoming your highest self is a personal and often lifelong journey that can involve various aspects of personal development, self-discovery, and growth. Here are some general guidelines to help you begin your journey:


  1. Start with self-awareness: Understand yourself, your values, strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. Regular self-reflection can be crucial in gaining insight into your true self.


  1. Mindfulness and Presence: Practice mindfulness to stay present in the moment. This can help you appreciate life as it unfolds and make more conscious choices. When you’re present in your life you learn to enjoy the little moments and help your mind and thoughts to slow down. One way you can do this is with somatic breathwork - check out the blog post I wrote all about how to get started with somatic breathwork so you can start incorporating more mindfulness into your life. Read it here!


  1. Set Intentions: Clearly define your goals, values, and aspirations. Setting intentions helps guide your actions and decisions in alignment with your highest self. My favorite way to do this is by creating a vision board! I cover a little bit further in this blog post how to create the BEST vision board for 2024 - you’ll definitely want to check out my tips below. 


  1. Continuous Learning: Cultivate a curious mindset and a willingness to learn. Embrace new experiences, ideas, and perspectives to expand your understanding of the world and yourself - there’s always more to learn! 


  1. Practice Gratitude: Cultivate gratitude by acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of your life. This can shift your focus toward positivity and abundance. I like to take time at the end of each week and write down what I’m grateful for - it’s such a powerful practice! 


  1. Mindset Shifts: Directly from your friendly neighborhood mindset coach (aka me) one of the most important ways you can align with your highest self is through mindset. This means that you need to challenge your limiting beliefs and adopt a growth mindset. Embrace challenges as opportunities for learning and development. Mindset is so so so important when it comes to listening to your highest self! Curious to learn more about all things mindset? I wrote a blog about mindset too - go here to learn more! 


Remember that the journey toward becoming your highest self is unique to you, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. It's an ongoing process that involves self-reflection, adaptability, and a commitment to growth. 



What are the Signs Your Higher Self is Talking to You? 


The idea of your "higher self" communicating with you is often associated with intuition, inner guidance, or spiritual insights. I’m letting you know that it doesn't look the same with everyone but there are some common signs that your higher self is trying to talk to you such as:


  1. Intuition. Intuition is all about trusting your gut feelings or instincts. If you have a strong inner sense about a decision or situation, it’s a sign your highest self is talking to you and offering you guidance. 


  1. A Sense of Inner Peace. Your higher self often communicates through a sense of inner calm or peace. If you feel a deep sense of tranquility about a decision or direction, it is your highest self communicating with you. 


  1. Joy and Excitement: Your higher self might guide you toward activities, pursuits, or relationships that bring you joy and excitement. If you feel a sense of enthusiasm and fulfillment, it is a sign that you're on the right path.


  1. Synchronicities from the Universe: Start paying attention to meaningful coincidences or synchronicities in your life. These are definitely signs from your higher self, guiding you toward certain experiences or connections.


  1. Dreams and Symbols: Your dreams may contain symbolic messages or insights from your higher self. Pay attention to recurring symbols or themes in your dreams that may hold personal significance.


  1. A Feeling of Alignment: When you are in alignment with your higher self, you will feel a sense of purpose, direction, and alignment with your values. And of course who doesn’t want to live in alignment with their highest self? 


It's important to be open to your highest self talking to you and be open to the guidance your highest self has to offer you! I bet your highest self has been talking to you for a long time and you didn't realize it! 



What is the connection between your higher self and manifestation? 


The concept of the "higher self" is often associated with spirituality and personal development. While interpretations may vary, the higher self is generally considered to be a more evolved, enlightened, or transcendent aspect of an individual's consciousness. It's seen as a source of wisdom, guidance, and a deeper connection to the universe or higher power.


The connection between your higher self and manifestation lies in the idea that aligning with your higher self can enhance your ability to manifest. 


Here are a few ways in which the higher self and manifestation are interconnected:


  1. Clarity of Intentions: The higher self is often associated with a deeper understanding of one's life purpose and values. When you are in tune with your higher self, your intentions for manifestation may become clearer and more aligned with your true desires and values.


  1. Positive Energy and Vibrations: The higher self is often associated with higher states of consciousness, such as love, joy, and peace. By connecting with your higher self, you may be able to maintain more positive energy and vibrations, which can contribute to a more positive manifestation process.


  1. Alignment with Universal Flow: Some belief systems suggest that the higher self is more attuned to the universal flow or divine plan. When you align your intentions with this greater plan, you may find that your manifestations unfold more effortlessly and in harmony with the broader context of your life journey.


While we’re on the topic of manifestation let’s dive into some instant manifestation techniques you can try! 


The idea of "instant manifestation" is often associated with the law of attraction and the belief that you can quickly bring about desired outcomes through the power of your thoughts and emotions. 


If you want to try some instant manifestation techniques start with the following - 

  1. Visualization:

   - Imagine, in vivid detail, the desired outcome as if it has already happened. Engage all your senses and emotions to make the visualization more powerful.

   - Feel the emotions associated with achieving your goal, as if it's happening in the present moment.


  1. Affirmations:

   - Use positive affirmations to reinforce a positive mindset and belief in the manifestation of your desires.

   - Phrase affirmations in the present tense, as if the desired outcome is already a reality.

    Check out the blog I wrote that’s full of positive affirmations for you! 


  1. Gratitude:

   - Express gratitude for what you already have and for the positive things that are on their way.

   - Gratitude can shift your focus from lack to abundance, which is believed to be conducive to manifestation.


  1. Act As If:

   - Act as if you already have what you want. This involves embodying the mindset and behaviors of someone who has already achieved the desired outcome.

   - Align your actions and decisions with the belief that your goal is already a reality. 


  1. Breathing Techniques:

   - Practice deep breathing or mindfulness techniques to calm your mind and center your focus.

   - Some believe that a calm and focused mind is more conducive to effective manifestation.

      Learn more about breathing techniques here! 


And finally, let's connect it all together (your highest self and your manifestation) by building a vision board!



How to Build a Vision Board for 2024 


Want to know how to build a vision board for 2024? This is the perfect activity to do to honor and connect with your highest self! 

Building a vision board is one of my favorite things to do for the New Year! Our subconscious minds love visuals and the more they see something the harder they’ll work to make it happen. There are a couple of different ways I’ve gone about creating a vision board and you can use whichever one works best for you.


Option 1: Digital Vision Board

Use a digital program such as Canva to create your vision board. You can simply search ‘vision board’ templates and pick one of the options they have. Once you’ve selected your template go to Pinterest or the internet and start saving pictures that you want to add.

You’ll add anything you’re dreaming of or any of your goals for the year. You can also add different words or quotes that inspire you. Your vision board can look any way you desire!

Once you’ve created your board, download it and place it as your computer background, or phone background, or even print it and put it somewhere you’ll see it every day.


Option 2: Paper Vision Board 

Grab a piece of paper (any size!), your crafting supplies, and magazines! You’ll sit down and cut out pictures and words that inspire you and represent your dreams and goals.

You can search online for different pictures, words, and quotes that you love and represent your 2024.

Again..your vision board can look any way you desire. Once you’ve created your board, put it somewhere you’ll see it every single day. That could be on your nightstand, bathroom mirror, or maybe your desk so you can look at it before you begin work each day.


Be sure to also try these affirmations for your vision board - 

Vision board affirmations are positive statements that you include on your vision board to reinforce your goals, desires, and intentions and they are super important to have! These affirmations below are designed to create a positive and empowering mindset, aligning your thoughts and beliefs with the outcomes you wish to manifest.

Remember, the more you repeat your affirmations your subconscious will start to adopt these beliefs. 

  1. Career and Success:

   - "I am confidently moving towards my dream career and achieving great success."

   - "Opportunities flow effortlessly into my professional life, and I embrace them with gratitude."


  1. Abundance and Prosperity:

   - "I am a magnet for wealth and abundance in all areas of my life."

   - "Every day, I am attracting more financial prosperity and opportunities."


  1. Health and Wellness:

   - "My body is healthy, and my mind is vibrant. I radiate wellness and vitality."

   - "I am committed to nurturing my body and mind with love and care."


  1. Relationships:

   - "I attract loving and positive relationships into my life."

   - "My heart is open to giving and receiving love in all its forms."


  1. Self-Love and Confidence:

   - "I love and appreciate myself deeply. I am worthy of all the good things life has to offer."

   - "I trust in my abilities, and I move forward with confidence and courage."


If you’re having a hard time picking out affirmations take a look at your vision board and identify who you have to become/what you’ll have to do to accomplish your goals. This will help you to create your affirmations.


 Are you a business owner? I encourage you to create a vision board for your business by doing the following:

Sit down and write out all of your business goals for the year. Remember it can be anything…dream BIG!

You may break it up into the following categories: financial, growth, clients, operational, branding, marketing, team (and you may have more outside of this).

Create a vision board like we talked about above to put your goals into pictures and words.


You’ll then want to create affirmations based on your business goals to go along with your vision board. Your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between things that we say happened and things that actually happened so speak as if your goals have already come true. Your subconscious will work hard to make your goals happen for you.



Recognizing when your higher self is trying to communicate with you is going to help you on your transformative journey toward self-discovery and personal growth! 


The signs are subtle yet powerful, guiding you toward a life more aligned with your authentic purpose. As you navigate through the realms of intuition, synchronicity, and inner wisdom, remember that tuning into your higher self is an ongoing practice—one that requires patience, self-reflection, and a willingness to trust the guidance from within.


If you are looking for more support to discover your highest self and begin to embody her make sure you check out my Unstuck Mindset Accelerator course.

UMA is perfect for the woman who:

  • has lost herself and is wanting to feel excited about life again
  • is ready to create boundaries in her life and say no to the things that are draining her
  • is ready to step into the best version of herself and show up as the bada$$ that she knows she is
  • is feeling stuck and is  overwhelmed when it comes to getting started towards making change
  • is ready to let go of the limiting beliefs that have been holding her back 

Once you've completed UMA you will be able to...

  • Identify and understand your self limiting beliefs and how to overcome them

  • Have a clear vision of your highest self and how to show up as her everyday

  • Quit self sabotaging and end procrastinating

  • Prioritize your own self care and discover your own identity again

  • Feel confident, in control, and worthy of stepping into what's meant for you

It's time to get started.

Connecting with your inner child and healing the parts of you that have been waiting for love and acceptance…feels really good.

Understanding your limiting beliefs and that you are not to blame for holding yourself back…feels really good.

Getting to know your highest self and who you are destined to be after you release self sabotage…feels really good.

CELEBRATING your life and everything about it…feels really good!!!!

Are you ready? Check out Unstuck Mindset Accelerator here



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