Instant Manifestation Techniques You’ll Want To Try

manifestation wellness Jan 18, 2024

Have you been wanting to start manifesting but then abandoned the idea when you started feeling overwhelmed when you saw all the best ways to manifest? Or maybe you’ve tried a few different ways to manifest but they didn’t actually ever work for you. Or maybe the sound of manifestation sounded just a little too “woowoo” for you.


If you said yes, trust me you are not the only one! 


One reason I see people give up on manifestation quickly is because everyone is promising you “this one secret” is the only thing that you need to start manifesting - and some people who give advice on manifestation make it seem more complicated than it needs to be.


So you skip out on trying manifestation… because it didn’t work for you, but then you keep seeing it work for other people.


So what’s their secret? 


The answer is there isn’t one - because manifestation can look different for everyone. What worked for your best friend to manifest her dream house might not be what works for you.  


When I first heard of manifestation I was confused and had no idea how to get started. I thought it was some one size fits all step by step process I could take. And I’ve come to find that there’s definitely a process but everyone does it differently.


The tools that I found work best for me weren’t necessarily discovered because I was looking into manifestation. I found what works for me through my own self growth journey. 


I had to uncover my negative thinking patterns, my beliefs that were keeping me from my dreams, and release what I thought needed to happen or how things were going to turn out..aka release control.


Manifestation starts with doing the inner work which is where I start with all of my clients. Let’s use money as an example because who doesn’t want more money?! If you grew up constantly hearing things like, “money doesn’t grow on trees,” “you’ll never make more then X amount of dollars,” or “you have to work really hard to make money,” then those are most likely your current beliefs about money and how money works. If you don’t believe that it’s possible for you to make more money or have the energetic capacity then it’s going to be a lot harder to see that manifestation come to fruition.  


I heard a quote that said, “if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans” 


And this SO resonated with me because it’s true. When we try to control, when we try to lay out our exact plans…the universe has already decided for you, and its plans are so much bigger and better than you could ever imagine.


If you find yourself having a death grip on the steering wheel and trying to control every turn this is one of the biggest things that will hold you back from making your manifestations happen.

In this blog post, I’m going to give you some instant manifestation techniques to try but we are also going to learn more about the psychology behind manifestation and how I’m able to help my own mindset coaching clients manifest.


This blog post is going to cover - 

  • Powerful instant manifestation you’ll want to try 
  • Scripting and manifestation - a manifestation buzzword you'll want to know more about 
  • The connection between manifestation and the subconscious mind 
  • Manifestation and the law of attraction 
  • Creating your 2024 manifestation vision board and why you should make one! 


Let’s dive in… 


What are some instant manifestation techniques you can try? 


The idea of "instant manifestation" is often associated with the law of attraction and the belief that you can quickly bring about desired outcomes through the power of your thoughts and emotions. 


Keep in mind what we talked about above that manifestation isn’t a one size fits all approach and that you need to let go of trying to control the outcome if you actually want your manifestations to happen. 


With that being said if you want to try some instant manifestation techniques to start down the path of making your visions and become your new reality start with the following - 


  • Visualization:

   - Imagine, in vivid detail, the desired outcome as if it has already happened. Engage all your senses and emotions to make the visualization more powerful.


   - Feel the emotions associated with achieving your goal, as if it's happening in the present moment. 


  • Affirmations


   - Use positive affirmations to reinforce a positive mindset and belief in the manifestation of your desires.


   - Phrase affirmations in the present tense, as if the desired outcome is already a reality.


    Check out the blog I wrote that’s full of positive affirmations for you! Or keep reading for more affirmations tailored specifically to help you with manifestation.   


  • Gratitude:

   - Express gratitude for what you already have and for the positive things that are on their way.


   - Gratitude can shift your focus from lack to abundance which is why it's so important to practice. 


  • Breathing Techniques:

   - Practice deep breathing or mindfulness techniques to calm your mind and center your focus.


   - Some believe that a calm and focused mind is more conducive to effective manifestation.


    Learn more about different breathing techniques here!

  • Act As If:

   - Act as if you already have what you want. This involves embodying the mindset and behaviors of someone who has already achieved the desired outcome.


   - Align your actions and decisions with the belief that your goal is already a reality. 


Another powerful way to connect some of the different instant manifestation techniques seamlessly into ONE technique is called scripting. Scripting is incredibly powerful which is why I wanted to share more about it with you in this blog. 


What is Scripting and How Can You Create A Scripting Manifestation Journal? 


Scripting is a manifestation technique where you write in a journal as if you are describing your life as you wish it to be. 


This practice combines the power of visualization, intention-setting, and written affirmations to enhance the manifestation process. 


Here's a guide on creating a scripting manifestation journal:


  • Clear Your Mind - 


My favorite way to clear my mind is to do a body scan meditation. These can be about 10 minutes and help you to focus on the here and now.


Ask yourself these questions - What sensations are you feeling in your body? What emotions are present?


As you focus on what’s going on in the moment your thoughts slow and help to clear all the thoughts we have going on.


If any distracting thoughts, such as to-do lists or worries, arise, jot them down on the side to declutter your mind. 


For those familiar with meditation, you understand the transformative power of a clear mind operating at a high vibration. 


If you're new to meditation, first consider integrating brief meditation sessions into your daily routine and incorporating gratitude reflections. These practices facilitate a seamless transition into a positive and manifesting mindset. 


The next step in the scripting process is to... 


  • Set Your Intentions 


Clarify your goals and intentions. What do you want to manifest in various aspects of your life, such as career, relationships, health, and personal development?


  • Create a Dedicated Journal:  


   Choose a journal that resonates with you. It could be a blank notebook or one specifically designed for manifestation and affirmations.


  • Be Specific and Detailed:


Provide vivid details about your aspirations. The more specific and detailed you are, the clearer the image you create in your mind, enhancing the manifestation process.


  • Express Gratitude:


Infuse gratitude into your scripting. Acknowledge the blessings you have received and those you anticipate, fostering a positive mindset and connecting yourself to a higher vibrational energy. 


  • Visual Elements: 


Enhance your scripting with visual elements. You can draw pictures of what you want to happen. 


  • Review and Reflect:  


Regularly revisit your scripts to reinforce your intentions and track your progress. Use this reflection time to adjust or refine your manifestations as needed.


Creating a scripting manifestation journal is a personal and empowering process to make your manifestations happen because it allows YOU  to align your thoughts, emotions, and intentions with your desired reality. 




Regularly engaging with your scripting journal helps cultivate a focused and positive mindset, amplifying the effectiveness of this technique. 


Everything we’ve talked about so far is incredibly important when it comes to the topic of manifestation and how you can start manifesting but the mindset coach in me wants to dive deeper with you into the psychology behind manifestation. 



Let’s talk about the connection between manifestation and the subconscious mind… 


The subconscious mind plays a major role in manifesting. Manifesting brings your desires into reality and reflects the foundation of your belief system (or your map of the world as you’ll hear me refer to it in my work).


When you clear your limiting beliefs and learn to reprogram your subconscious mind you can start to manifest with more ease.


Your subconscious mind controls around 95% of your thoughts and actions and is where all of your life experiences, emotions, habits, skills, beliefs, and memories get stored. Because of this your subconscious also shapes your feelings, perceptions, behaviors, and ultimately the outcomes you have in life.


When you feel stuck in a pattern, find yourself not following through, or consistently self sabotaging it’s most likely that your subconscious patterns are showing up. One of the central principles to manifestation is “like attracts like.” This means that if your beliefs are negative and you're constantly thinking about things that won't happen for you then things will continue to not happen for you. Same goes for your emotions and habits. 


You are always manifesting, whether you’re doing it consciously or not. If your subconscious mind is flowing with positive thoughts you are more likely to attract positive experiences. 


If you want to change your outer reality you must start with your inner world. 



And if you want to go deeper into understanding manifestation we have to talk about Manifestation and the Law of Attraction...


Manifestation and the Law of Attraction are both concepts that suggest a connection between your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs with the experiences and circumstances you attract into your life. 


What is the Law of Attraction? 


The Law of Attraction is a universal principle that suggests that like attracts like. It is based on the idea that the energy you emit—whether through thoughts, feelings, or beliefs—draws similar energy or experiences into your life. In other words, if you focus on positive thoughts and emotions, you are more likely to attract positive experiences, and vice versa.


What you need to know about the law of attraction is that - 


Your thoughts create your reality. 


Both Manifestation and the Law of Attraction operate on the premise that your thoughts play a crucial role in shaping your reality. Positive thoughts are believed to attract positive outcomes, while negative thoughts may attract unwanted experiences.


Emotional Alignment is important. 


Emotions are considered powerful energy magnets. Aligning positive emotions with your desires is seen as essential for successful manifestation. The more you can feel as if your desired outcome has already occurred, the more likely it is to manifest.


You need to practice visualization. 


Visualization is a common technique in Manifestation and the Law of Attraction. It involves mentally picturing and experiencing your desired outcomes as if they are happening in the present moment.




Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude


Expressing gratitude for what you have and for the manifestations that are on their way is considered a powerful way to raise your vibrational frequency and attract positive experiences.


Creating your 2024 manifestation vision board and why you should make one! 


Another way you can manifest?


Build a vision board!


Building a vision board is one of my favorite things to do every year! If you’re reading this and you still haven’t made a vision board for the year don’t worry - it's not too late. 


You can always make vision boards for shorter periods of time such as a 3-month vision board or a 6-month vision board. 


Our subconscious minds love visuals and the more they see something the harder they’ll work to make it happen. There’s a couple different ways I’ve gone about creating a vision board and you can use whichever one works best for you.


Option 1: Digital Vision Board


Use a digital program such as Canva to create your vision board. You can simply search ‘vision board’ templates and pick one of the options they have. 


Once you’ve selected your template go to pinterest or the internet and start saving pictures that you want to add. 


You’ll add anything you’re dreaming of or any of your goals for the year. You can also add different words or quotes that inspire you. 


Your vision board can look anyway you desire! Once you’ve created your board, download it and place it as your computer background, phone background, or even print it and put it somewhere you’ll see it every day.


Option 2: Paper Vision Board 


Grab a piece of paper (any size!), your crafting supplies, and magazines! 


You’ll sit down and cut out pictures and words that inspire you and represent your dreams and goals. You can search online for different pictures, words, and quotes that you love and represent your 2024. 


Again..your vision board can look anyway you desire. Once you’ve created your board, put it somewhere you’ll see it every single day. That could be on your nightstand, bathroom mirror, or maybe your desk so you can look at it before you begin work each day.


And try these incredibly powerful affirmations for your vision board - 


Vision Board affirmations for 


  1. Career and Success:

   - "I am confidently moving towards my dream career and achieving great success."

   - "Opportunities flow effortlessly into my professional life, and I embrace them with gratitude."


  1. Abundance and Prosperity:

   - "I am a magnet for wealth and abundance in all areas of my life."

   - "Every day, I am attracting more financial prosperity and opportunities."


  1. Health and Wellness:

   - "My body is healthy, and my mind is vibrant. I radiate wellness and vitality."

   - "I am committed to nurturing my body and mind with love and care."


  1. Relationships:

   - "I attract loving and positive relationships into my life."

   - "My heart is open to giving and receiving love in all its forms."


  1. Self-Love and Confidence:

   - "I love and appreciate myself deeply. I am worthy of all the good things life has to offer."

   - "I trust in my abilities, and I move forward with confidence and courage."


Feel free to customize these affirmations to resonate with your personal goals and aspirations! 



My clients’ experience with manifestation 


When I first start working with my clients we always build out their ‘highest self/dream life vision’ and write down anything and everything they’re dreaming of. 


I recently had a client graduate and during her last session we were going through her greatest accomplishments during our time together.


She was telling me how she just bought a brand new car and this was one of the things she had been dreaming of for so long.


Not only was it brand new but it also had heated seats and remote start!


And then she proceeded to tell me that she went back to that vision plan we had built out together at the beginning and guess what was on it?! That exact description of the car she just bought. She had completely forgotten about it but she had trusted that it would happen and then we were creating the skills for her to manifest this new car into her life. 


Manifestation doesn’t just have to be about material items - it can be anything!


I also recently had a client that came to me and was feeling very unfulfilled with the life she was living.


Her relationship with her husband was struggling, she had step kids that she didn’t know how to parent, her confidence was low, and she didn’t feel like she could advocate for herself at work. A lot of this stemmed from her childhood and the relationship struggles she had with her dad as she got older.


We started with the inner work…addressing the beliefs that held her back, built up her confidence, talked about how she could communicate her needs better, and gave her the strategy to show up at work differently. She is now living a life that feels SO good and finding so much more enjoyment in her day to day.


 Some things I’ve manifested into my own life include my car, our house, the corporate contract I just signed for life and mindset coaching, and even some of my dream clients!


 When you do the inner work on your subconscious mind and change your belief system you will begin to notice the changes in your outer world!  





You don’t need to try all the things to manifest the life of your dreams. 


I teach my client’s all the tools they need to get clear on what they want, release any roadblocks, act as if, and truly create the life of their dreams!

If you’ve been feeling stuck in life and the overall process of manifestation you need to download my free guide 7 Steps to Get Unstuck - this will take you through the exact process I take my clients through and teach you not only the skills to manifest but to also live a fulfilled life! Did I mention that it’s free? Don’t forget to download yours!


And let me know if you try out any of these instant manifestation techniques and which ones work for you! Let's get to manifesting! 

The Sacred Minute 

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