Learn How To Embark on Your Own Journey of Somatic Healing

breathwork wellness Feb 05, 2024

It feels like everyone is talking about somatic healing lately. If you’ve been looking to learn about somatic healing and the power of somatic healing exercises you can start implementing today…


Then you’ve come to the right place. 


In today’s blog post I’m going to zeroing in on the following - 


  1. Answering the question - what is somatic healing?    
  2. Discussing with you some powerful somatic release exercises you can try.   
  3. Teaching you more about the connection between somatic breathwork + somatic healing.  
  4. Showing you what the connection is between somatic healing and mindset coaching - you’ll definitely want to learn more about this! 


Ahhhh I’m so excited to share all this information with you so let’s get to the good stuff! 



First, what is Somatic Healing? 


The word “somatic” is a term that has become a hot buzzword. These days I hear it all the time! 


When I say the word somatic, what I’m referring to is the connection between your mind and body. This connection emphasizes the importance of addressing your physical sensations and experiences as part of your overall well-being and healing. 


Somatic healing is a holistic approach to healing that involves the integration of the mind and body…which is what we’re all about over here at Kenz Groh Coaching. Healing and self growth should be a whole body (holistic) experience…mind, body, and soul.


Have you ever heard the saying, “disease in the body is the end result of dis-ease in the body”


This approach recognizes that experiences, traumas, and emotions can be stored in your body and impact your overall health. 


Somatic healing practices often focus on increasing body awareness, promoting mindfulness, and using physical movements or techniques to heal trauma and release the tension and stress that you’re holding in your body. 


Somatic healing is used in conjunction with traditional therapeutic approaches and engaging in somatic healing practices is encouraged for you to implement if you have experienced trauma or stress, or you want to take a holistic approach to your mental health and emotional well-being. Many times limiting beliefs also live in the body and somatic healing is a great way to release them.


Okay, next let’s talk about… 



What are the benefits of Somatic Healing? 


Somatic healing can offer you a range of benefits which is why I encourage everyone to try somatic healing practices and find the ones that work best for YOU.


Here are some potential benefits of somatic healing:


  •  Trauma Resolution: Somatic healing is often used to address and resolve trauma by allowing you to process and release stored trauma in the body. (the word trauma covers a wide range of things that could have happened in your life) 
  • Stress Reduction: Somatic practices can help reduce stress by releasing physical tension and promoting relaxation. Techniques such as deep breathing and mindful movement can contribute to a calmer nervous system. We’ll get into this later in this blog post.     
  • Improved Emotional Regulation: Somatic healing can enhance your emotional regulation by increasing awareness of bodily sensations associated with emotions. This awareness allows you to respond to emotions in a more balanced and constructive manner.    
  • Strengthen your Mind-Body Connection: Somatic healing emphasizes the interconnectedness of the mind and body. Strengthening this connection can lead to a more integrated and harmonious relationship between your mental and physical well-being.    
  • Improved Posture and Body Alignment: This one is super important! Some somatic practices focus on body awareness and movement, which can contribute to improved posture and body alignment. This, in turn, may alleviate physical discomfort and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal issues.  
  • Support for Mental Health:  Somatic healing can complement traditional psychotherapy for addressing mental health concerns. It provides additional tools and approaches to support you on your own healing journey. 


So now you know more about what somatic healing is and its incredible benefits but let’s put all of that into practice by learning about somatic release exercises you can try!  



10 Powerful Somatic Release Exercises 


Somatic release exercises aim to release tension and promote relaxation by engaging your body and its natural self-regulating mechanisms.


Here are 10 somatic release exercises that you can try:


  1. Body Scan Meditation:

   - Lie down in a comfortable position and turn on some relaxing music

   - Close your eyes and bring your attention to different parts of your body, starting from your toes and moving up to the head.

   - Notice any areas of tension or discomfort and consciously release the tension as you breathe out.


Remember…there’s no judgment in this practice. Simply observe what you feel in your body and get curious about it.


  1.  Breathwork: 

   - Practice deep diaphragmatic breathing.

   - Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your abdomen to expand. Feel the air fill up your lower belly, your stomach, and then expand into your ribs.

   - Exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing tension with each breath. Allow all of the air to completely leave your abdomen.

   -Repeat this for about 2-3 minutes to start, You can always increase the amount over time.


  1. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR):

   - Tense and then release each muscle group, starting from your toes and working your way up to your head.

   - Consciously notice the difference between tension and relaxation.

   - Take note of how your body feel as you do this.


  1. Shaking or Tremoring:

   - Allow your body to shake or tremor voluntarily.

   - This natural response can help release stored tension and stress.


  1. Gentle Stretching:

   - Perform gentle stretching exercises, paying attention to your body's feedback.

   - Focus on elongating and releasing tension in specific muscle groups.


  1. Somatic Movement:

   - Explore slow and mindful movements, such as rolling your shoulders, swaying your hips, or moving your head in circles.

   - Connect with the sensations in your body during these movements.


  1. Grounding Exercises:

   - Stand or sit with your feet flat on the ground.

   - Imagine roots extending from your body into the earth, grounding you and promoting a sense of stability.

   - As you do this take some deep breaths and feel yourself push your feet into the floor. 


  1. Self-Massage:

   - Use your hands or a massage tool to gently massage areas of tension.

   - Pay attention to the sensations and warmth generated by the touch.


  1. Pelvic Rocking:

   - Lie on your back with your knees bent.

   - Rock your pelvis gently back and forth, allowing your lower back to make contact with the ground.


  1. Sound and Vibration Release:

    - Use your voice to make sounds, such as sighs or tones, while paying attention to the vibrations in your body.

    - This can help release tension and promote a sense of openness.


It's important to approach these exercises with mindfulness and sometimes playfulness, paying attention to your body's responses and adjusting the intensity based on your comfort level. The more you do these exercises the easier it will be to get in touch with your body.


And remember…some of these exercises may not resonate and some you may love. Everyone is different so use the exercises that you really like. 


Okay now let’s get into one of my favorite topics and the one I’m most excited to talk about today - somatic breathwork and somatic healing. 


As a breathwork facilitator I walk my clients or event attendees through a somatic breathwork practice. This is typically a 30-45 minute session where we are using an active breathing pattern to move energy out of the body.


Somatic breathwork will allow you to quiet your mind and go inward, naturally accessing a higher state of consciousness. You will leave breathwork feeling lighter, less stress, having released old stories and beliefs, letting go of trauma, relaxes, and much more!


Breathwork is hands down one of my favorite techniques and I think everyone should do it! 



Somatic Breathwork and Somatic Healing 


Somatic breathwork and somatic healing truly go hand-in-hand - they’re like PB & J. 


Somatic breathwork is a practice that extends beyond traditional mindfulness techniques to foster a profound connection between your mind and body. 


Somatic Breathwork is one of my favorite modalities and I have no doubt it might become yours too once you start to practice it! 


When you pair somatic breathwork with your somatic healing journey the following happens -


  1. You’ll strengthen your Body-Mind Connection:

   - Somatic breathwork really puts an emphasis on the interconnectedness of the body and mind. By bringing attention to the breath and its effects on the body,  you can develop a heightened awareness of the mind-body connection.


  1. You’ll be able to reduce your stress 

   - Conscious and intentional breathing can activate the body's relaxation response, leading to a reduction in stress and anxiety. This, in turn, positively impacts physical health and allows the your body to enter a state conducive to healing.


  1. You can release tension and trauma 

   - Somatic breathwork can help release physical tension held in the body, which may be a result of past trauma or stress. The breath is used as a tool to access and release stored emotions, allowing for the processing and integration of unresolved experiences.


  1. Enhanced Energy Flow:

   - Somatic breathwork aims to facilitate the flow of energy throughout the body. This can help remove blockages and promote a sense of vitality, leading to an overall improvement in physical and emotional well-being.


  1. Mindfulness and Presence:

   - Somatic breathwork often incorporates mindfulness techniques, encouraging you to be present in the moment. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with chronic pain, anxiety, or other somatic symptoms.


And this is truly just the tip of the iceberg. But I don’t want to just tell you about how somatic breathwork and somatic healing are a perfect pair - I’m also going to share with you some somatic breathwork exercises you can apply in your own life. 


Two of my favorite somatic breathwork exercises are … 


  1. Diaphragmatic Breathing (Abdominal or Belly Breathing):

How to do it: Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your diaphragm to expand          and your abdomen to rise. Exhale slowly through your mouth or nose, feeling your abdomen fall. Focus on making your breaths slow, deep, and rhythmic.


  1. Box Breathing (Square Breathing):

This is one of my favorites for day to day use! It’s so easy to do and you can pretty much do it anywhere!

How to do it: Inhale for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of four, exhale for a count of four, and then pause for a count of four before inhaling again. This creates a square pattern with each phase of the breath.


And if you want some more additional somatic breathwork exercises to try you can read my blog post all about somatic breathwork here!


Trust me when I say you’ll definitely want to read this blog post too as you get started on your own somatic healing journey. 



Mindset Coaching and Somatic Healing 


While you can do all the somatic healing exercises you want and guide your own somatic healing journey I fully believe in the power of having someone help you on your journey. 


If you’ve been relying on Google and guesswork to help you figure out what you need to do for your own somatic healing without much success it might be time for a mindset coach.


You can replace your trial-and-error tactics with the advice and support that you need to actually help you heal when you decide to work with a mindset coach. 


A mindset coach can help support you on your somatic healing journey in so many ways such as… 

  1. Focusing on your Mind-Body Connection:

   - A mindset coach can help individuals understand the connection between their thoughts, beliefs, and emotions and how these aspects impact their physical well-being. By fostering an awareness of the mind-body connection. It’s important to learn how to slow down your thoughts and be present in the moment.


  1. Subconscious Reprogramming:

   - Subconscious reprogramming involves identifying and challenging negative thought patterns or beliefs that may contribute to stress, tension, or self sabotage. A mindset coach can work with individuals to reframe unhelpful thoughts and cultivate a more positive, empowering, and growth mindset.


  1. Stress Reduction Techniques:

   - Mindset coaches often teach stress reduction techniques, such as mindfulness, meditation, and positive visualization. These practices can help individuals manage stress, relax the body, and create a more conducive environment for somatic healing.


  1. Goal Setting and Motivation:

   - A mindset coach can assist individuals in setting realistic and positive goals related to their somatic healing journey. By establishing clear objectives and fostering motivation, individuals may be more committed to making positive changes in both their mental and physical well-being.


  1. Positive Affirmations:

   - Incorporating positive affirmations into daily practices can contribute to a more optimistic and supportive mindset. A mindset coach may guide individuals in creating personalized affirmations that reinforce a sense of well-being and promote healing.


  1. Self-Compassion and Self-Care:

   - Somatic healing often involves self-compassion and self-care practices. A mindset coach can help individuals cultivate a kind and understanding relationship with themselves, encouraging self-care activities that contribute to physical and emotional well-being. This will also help to avoid burnout and find balance in your day to day life.


  1. Resilience Building:

   - Building resilience is crucial for navigating challenges and setbacks in the healing process. A mindset coach can assist individuals in developing resilience by fostering a growth mindset, encouraging adaptability, and helping them learn from difficult experiences.


And so many other ways… 


If you're curious to learn more about what mindset coaching is or what it would look like to work with a mindset coach go here for more info! 




In Conclusion…


Starting your somatic healing journey and engaging in these somatic healing exercises such as somatic breathwork is going to CHANGE.YOUR.LIFE. 


Hear what some of my own breathwork clients have had to say:


“The breathwork series was such a wonderful addition to my self-care practice. Breathing seems like one of the simplest things that we innately do. The more I learn about breath, the more I realize that intentional time needs to be dedicated to it for my overall health and well-being. Thankful for Kenzie for creating space and helping me do just that! Highly recommend being a part of her breakwork series!” - Nicole H


“My first time ever doing breathwork was with Kenzie, and it was a truly life changing experience for me to be introduced to this new modality to work with. The immediate release and movement of energy was so powerful. I am really grateful for the impact breathwork has had! Thank you so much Kenzie!” - Brooke W


“Kenzie led a beautiful breathwork session that grounded me into my body and focus inward. Lovely music was played that further encouraged relaxation and intention. Kenzie held space for myself and others and I am grateful for the experience.” - Sam B.


Somatic healing is more than just another popular trend - it’s a way for you to release the beliefs that have been holding you back, let go of emotions that you have been holding on to, and move forward in life feeling lighter and with a clear vision.


Are you ready to get started with your somatic healing - but know you want to have someone to guide you along the way and support you? 


I thought you might. 


Learn more about how we can work together here


Not ready for 1:1 coaching but still want to stay connected and get more advice about somatic healing, mindset, breathwork, and more? Then you’ll want to join my email list! 


The Sacred Minute (my weekly newsletter) is one of my favorite things to send out every week!

It’s about taking a minute for yourself and your own personal growth - I truly wanted these to be quick actionable steps you can take throughout your week. You’ll learn different breathing techniques, ways to shift your mindset, be updated about my monthly breathwork sessions, and much more! You can sign up for The Sacred Minute here! Just scroll to the bottom of the page and you'll see the sign up form. Can't wait to have you on the list! 




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